About Us
Call Now
(858) 285-5262
Mon - Fri 8AM-7PM
Sat - Sun 11AM-5PM
Areas We Service
National city to Carlsbad
Interior Painting
Does your home need a fresh look? Call us and we'll get you set up with a high quality & professional paint job that will have your place looking good as new
Exterior Painting
From your walls to your fence, we can do it all and make your home stand out with a new coat of paint
Need to boost your businesses curb appeal? We have you covered with our commercial painting service, call us now to get started
Kitchen Cabinets
This is what we excel at! If you need your kitchen cabinets painted or touched up you won't find anyone better!
5-year Warranty on Labor
Lifetime Warranty on Sherwin Williams Paint
Satisfaction Guarantee
National city to Carlsbad's
Painter Experts
I'm Victor Ross and I own and operate Ross Painting Group, what I strive to deliver is the highest quality painting that you can get, that means I really care about quality, I don't rush jobs, I'm always on site to make sure that everything is going great. The results speak for themselves, just take a look at our gallery and imagine what we can do for you. I used to be an architect, I finished MARHI (Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)), then I moved to the US where I worked as a painter in a big company, I learned the ins and outs and build up my reputation, once I had learned all I could I decided to start my own painting firm.